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25 August, 2008

kccchrt* One Whopper extra bacon *kccchrt

Jaja, stop nou maar even met het lezen in de laatste WAD. En denk nou niet dat Juxtapoz en kunst iets met elkaar te maken hebben.

Dit is dat echte ding: mooie woorden van Damien Hirst over Francis Bacon.

"I saw him a few times in the Colony but I avoided him, because he was my hero. And I saw him be cruel and abusive to people around him. He was a bad drunk. He was wrestling with the darkness all the time. The idea of putting yourself into your art is a weird one. It makes for a hard life. The fears, the dread, the hopes even; you have to stand naked."

Damien over Francis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'pope innocente X' van Bacon is rete imposant! Ik ga die shit zeker lezen. al hoewel ik damien hirst een waardeloze knakker vind.